Created by: Admin
Posted: Vendredi, mai 24, 2024 - 19:40 / Last updated: Vendredi, mai 24, 2024 - 19:42
Tags: Governance

* Self-nominations are due May 28, 2024 and can be completed using this Google Form:


Positions Becoming Vacant

Three positions on the Canadian Association for the Study of International Development (CASID) Board of Directors will become vacant at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on June 13, 2024. Nominations to fill these positions are requested and should be submitted using the Google Form link above.

  • Vice President (must be a current or past board member)
  • Secretary 
  • Member at Large


Board of Directors

CASID's Board of Directors is drawn from its membership ranks. Members of the CASID Board of Directors are responsible for the governance of the Association and for the development of strategic plans, policies and programming to carry out CASID’s mission. Becoming a Board Member involves a substantial time commitment, and candidates must be willing and able to devote the time and attention necessary to fully and actively participate in the governance of the organization. Information about CASID, including a list of current Board Members is available on our website. More information about the operations and governance structure of CASID can be found in the By-Laws available online.



The Vice-President should have been a member of the Board prior to, or during the year in which they are nominated and shall serve for one (1) year after election by the membership. The Vice-President shall also be designated as President-elect and shall normally become President after completing a one (1) year term. The duties of the Vice-President include: 



The Secretary should, if possible, have been a member of the Board prior to, or during the year in which they are nominated and shall serve for two (2) years after election by the membership. The duties of the Secretary, assisted by contracted individuals, shall include:

  • the conduct of correspondence on behalf of the Corporation;
    the notification of membership of meetings and other business of the Corporation, conferences and special events;
  • the recording and distribution of minutes of meetings of the Board and the Corporation; and
  • the maintenance of a membership roll and such other records as are required in the conduct of the business of CASID.


Member at Large

Members at large of the Board will be elected for a term of three (3) years by the Members through online voting. The duties of Members at Large include: 

  • attending all meetings of the board (virtually or in person);
  • participating in committees and working groups; and
  • attending CASID programs and events where possible within availability and budgetary constraints.


Board Selection Criteria

A wide range of skills and experience are needed on the Board. This year, the Nominating Committee is especially interested in recruiting candidates with the following backgrounds and qualities.

  • Bilingual in both official languages
  • Demonstrated skills in event planning, social media and communications
  • Experience in reconciliation and decolonization processes

This list of preferred skills and backgrounds is not intended to be exclusive, and we encourage everyone who might be interested in a Board position to apply.

CASID is committed to supporting diversity, equity and inclusion in all its policies, practices, programs and in its leadership, including the Board of Directors. Due consideration will be exercised to secure professional, gender, linguistic, geographical and disciplinary representation on the Board. We especially welcome applications from Black, Indigenous and People of Colour; individuals with disabilities; LGBTQIA+ individuals; and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas. Nominees are welcome to self-identify as a member of any of these groups, or others.

Qualified candidates should understand CASID’s mission and a strong desire to further its goals, including our commitment to anti-racism and decolonization. The following membership criteria are also requirements for members of the CASID Board of Directors:

  • Directors must be CASID members in good standing;
  • Directors should have prior involvement with CASID, whether as a member, board member, staff member, or volunteer; and
  • Directors must agree to support the vision, mission and values of CASID.


Nominations Process

Interested candidates are requested to self-nominate using the Nominations Form available here: 


  • The deadline for nomination applications is May 28, 2024.
  • All applications will be initially screened by the Nominations Committee to assess candidates’ prior knowledge of and/or involvement in CASID.
  • Electronic balloting (online voting) by the CASID membership:  May 30 to June 11, 2024.
  • Successful candidates will be announced at the CASID AGM on June 13, 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact, Chair of the Nominating Committee, Georgina Alonso at, or other members of the Nominating Committee, Rebecca Tiessen at, Fiona MacPhail at, and Themrise Khan at