Ignio Homepage

Submit Your Work



Ignio is always looking for dynamic submissions from creators like you! Ignio aims to make publishing student voices more accessible, and aims to move beyond traditional parameters of traditional academia. 


We accept three different kinds of submissions:


  • Published Voices: Op-Eds, between 1000-2000 words. Content featuring contemporary international development issues and/or discourse. Range of scholarly to casual pieces. 
  • Blog Posts: No more than 1000 words. A space for reflections, discussion prompts, opinion pieces about contemporary international development issues and/or discourse.
  • Creative Connexion: Flexible submission criteria. Possible submissions may include poetry, photo essays, photovoice pieces, story telling, animation, etc. Maximum word count is 1500 words. 

Please note: due to the nature of our platform, our submission criteria are subject to flexibility. To discuss submitting your work, please email ignio@aedsa.ca 



Ignio Official Submission Guidelines
Important Information
  • Ignio is made up of the following three submission categories:
    • Published voices: Op-Eds (approximately 1000-2000 words). Range of scholarly to casual pieces.
    • Blog posts: A series of reflections and commentary (no more than 1000 words). A space for reflections, discussion prompts, opinion pieces about contemporary international development issues and/or discourse.
    • Creative Connexions: A variety of submissions including but not limited to photography, poetry, audiovisual resources, and storytelling (maximum word count of 1500). Flexible submission criteria.​​
  • To be considered for submission, your piece must:
    • Follow the technical guidelines as listed below.
    • Be relevant to this publication’s theme: Decolonization in Development: Doing things Differently?
    • Be respectful of the diverse nature of international development studies. 
  • You must be willing to work with our editorial and mentoring team to ensure your submission is appropriate for publication. 
  • You may submit your piece in French or English. Please indicate your preferred language of correspondence and publication in your submission.
  • If there are multiple authors in your submission, please appoint one person as the point of contact. 
  • You will keep full copyright to your submission. 
Technical Information
  • Please email your piece to ignio@aedsa.ca as a .doc or .docx  or google docs format. 
  • Please include your full name and the piece’s title in your submission. 
  • Please follow APA 7 guidelines for Published Voices and Op-Ed submissions. This includes the correct citation of any visuals used in your submission.
  • Creative submissions are exempt from this requirement.
  • Ensure an intersectional approach. Ask yourself who is benefiting from a policy, is anyone being harmed, what are the lasting impacts of colonialism, etc. 
  • Use gender-neutral language unless otherwise stated. This includes the use of they/their/them instead of he/she/his/hers in English submissions. For French submissions, try to use iel/ille as they/them pronouns instead of il/elle. 
    • Additionally, do not refer to anyone as Mrs. unless specifically stated or requested. In cases where these titles are necessary, use Ms. and Mr. 
  • Refrain from including your institutional affiliation. 
  • Make sure you are using the correct proper noun for individuals, states, and organizations. E.g. Do not anglicize the names of countries. Use Côte d’Ivoire instead of Ivory Coast. 
I’ve submitted my paper. Now what?
  • You will be notified if your piece has been accepted for publication within four weeks of submission. 
  • If accepted for publication:
    • You will receive support from a team of editors and mentors from time of submission to publication. 
    • You will be able to read through edits made by the team before publication, and discuss with a mentor from the Editorial Board. 
    • The Student Steering Committee will work with you to prepare your piece for publication. You will have the opportunity to review the final piece prior to publication.
    • Once published, you will be able to share your submission with others to encourage ongoing discussion of development-related topics.