Call for proposals
The CASID 2024 Conference will take place in person and virtually at McGill University, Montreal from 12 – 14 June as a part of the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences Annual Congress
Development and Growing Insecurity in an Era of Overlapping Crises
The world is facing unprecedent crises including environmental disasters on every continent, global food insecurity, wars and conflicts including the ongoing full-scale invasion of Ukraine, a genocide in Gaza/Palestine and a series of escalations in armed conflict and elsewhere, all happening in tandem with human rights violations and social injustices around the world. Despite the global nature of these challenges and their impacts on everyone, we are also witnessing increasing polarization and heightened divisions that limit our ability to address them.
The CASID 2024 conference focuses on contemporary overlapping crises, their origins and underlying causes, and strategies for tackling injustices in a divided world. CASID invites participants to reflect on these contemporary global crises by sharing research and knowledge on their historical roots and current impacts around the world and by contributing to theoretical insights, new mindsets needed, practical strategies undertaken, and proposed solutions.
This year's CASID conference theme links closely with the Congress 2024 theme ‘Sustaining shared futures.’ We anticipate CASID’s panels offering important insights into the urgency required for addressing ‘sustainability’, our interconnectedness as humans, and the need for “global action on the overlapping social, economic, environmental, and technological issues that threaten our future.” The CASID community has immense knowledge and expertise on this topic and we look forward to you sharing your knowledge with us in Montreal from June 12-14, 2024.
Call for Proposals
In light of this broad thematic context, CASID invites proposals that address any of these issues from a range of disciplinary, theoretical, and methodological perspectives, as well as general submissions. Proposals from scholars and practitioners and groups of scholar-practitioners are welcomed. We especially welcome submissions that address ‘development’ from the perspectives of Indigenous Peoples on Turtle Island and globally, Black people and people of colour, and other oppressed and repressed groups in the global South and North.
We welcome paper of panel proposals on a range of topics documenting ovelapping crises and injustices including (but not limited to) a combination of any of these themes:
Stemming from these questions, proposals may consider the following topic areas:
Overlapping public health crises, pandemics, shortages of medical and healthcare staff in low-income and conflict-affected contexts
Violence, conflict-related sexual violence, torture, human trafficking
Economic insecurity, mounting sovereign debt crisis across mid- and low-income countries, unemployment, inflation
Crises of existing global governance models and the role of the state
Challenges to multilateral mechanisms such as international financial institutions, United Nations agencies, and the World Trade Organisation
Ideas that offer innovative, impactful and adaptable ways to realize inclusive and sustainable economic development, particularly for Micro-, Small and Medium-sized enterprises in the Global South
Theoretical and empirical examinations of colonialism, imperialism, and decolonization
Labour and economic development and crisis
Climate change, environmental justice
Energy and extraction
Agriculture and food insecurity
Rights, social movements, conflict and protest
Sovereignty and freedom
International solidarities, liberation and abolition
Human rights abuses, gender inequality, racisms, and discrimination and marginalization according to social relations of oppression – race, class, gender, ability, status, etc.
Representation and inclusion of affected peoples (Indigenous, 2SLGBTQI+ and other communities) in dialogues to address overlapping crises
Migration, displacement, housing
CASID is also open to proposals that address the conference theme through other ‘big’ questions and topics.
Conference Format
CASID 2024 will focus on in-person participation. For those concerned about travel, time zone differences or internet connectivity, we will endeavor to provide options for live and pre-recorded virtual presentations. Please notify CASID in your submission if you wish to participate virtually.
Submission Types
All submissions will be reviewed.
Standalone Papers: Single- or co-authored standalone papers will be assigned to a parallel session in the program. Parallel sessions will be assigned a chair/discussant. We envision a maximum of 4 papers per session. Paper submissions should have an abstract of no more than 250 words that highlights the main aim of the paper and key empirical findings or conceptual, paradigmatic, or methodological arguments. Empirical papers should also provide a short description of the research methods and/or datasets. Non-empirical papers should provide a summary of the key intellectual debates or context, literature, or antecedents to the argument being presented.
Panel or Roundtable: Panels of papers on a specific issue or theme or roundtable discussions should have no more than 4 papers or presenters to allow adequate time for presentation and discussion. Proposals for panels should include a title and description of the panel theme and rationale (250-300 words), and include the names of presenters, titles, and short abstracts (250 words) for each paper. Proposals for roundtable discussions should include a title and description of the issue(s), theme, and aims (250-300 words), and list the panel presenters with a very short description of each presenter’s intended contribution to the discussion (50 words). All panel and roundtable proposals should also include the name and contact information of the lead organizer who will also act as chair.
Author Meets Critics sessions. We welcome roundtables or other discussion formats addressing recently published books or reports in the field. Proposals should include a description (300 words) listing the title of the published volume, its relevance for the debates in the field, and a list of participants including the author, a chair, and up to three ‘critics.’ Books published by early career scholars and/or critically examining development debates from interdisciplinary perspectives will be given priority.
Workshops. Proposals should identify a lead organizer(s) and, in case there are additional facilitators, state the names of the entire workshop team. Organizers should be mindful that workshops are intended to involve active participation from attendees and are not in lieu of roundtable discussions or paper presentations. Standard workshops will be given a 90-minute slot. Should organizers feel they require a double-slot (180-minutes), this may be accommodated if space in the program permits.
Three categories of workshops are solicited:
Action for Change Workshop: Intended to promote scholar-practitioner engagement on a range of critical development issues to share strengths, problem-solve challenges, and plan collaborative actions with a view on considering action for change. Examples include: presenting and soliciting participation for advocacy strategies and campaigns; broader engagement on community and development programs; feedback on programmatic and policy initiatives; etc.
Research Workshop: Examples of workshops in this category include, but are not limited to: research and academic-related skills training for scholars (newer and established) and practitioners; presentation of research and evaluation tools for feedback; in-depth methodological considerations of community research, and ‘development’ projects and programs; presentation of pilot projects and solicitation of commentary of future research design; etc.
Open Workshop: Proposals are welcome for workshops that fall outside of the other two categories.
Instructions for Submission
The deadline to receive submissions is 12 January 2024.
Submissions will be accepted on the electronic conference submission system only. Emailed submissions will not be considered. Please follow further instructions on the submission system.
If papers are accepted, all presenters will be required to become members of CASID and pay both the 2024 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences and CASID 2024 conference registration fees.
For general inquiries email: